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Root - The Tabletop RPG - Core Rulebook [anglais]

Root - The Tabletop RPG - Core Rulebook [anglais]

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Description du produit

Tous âges | 3-5 joueurs | 2-4 heures.

This Root: The Roleplaying Game core rulebook features:

  • 6" x 9" Hardcover Book

  • Full Color Interior With Artwork By Kyle Ferrin

  • 6 Playbooks + Map Creation System + GM Materials

  • Free PDF via DriveThruRPG

War has returned to the Woodland! 

The Marquise de Cat led her armies to victory over many of the clearings, but the Eyrie Dynasties rise again to oppose her. Meanwhile, the mice, rabbits, and foxes of the Woodland do not sit idly by - the Woodland Alliance, a homegrown rebellion, has emerged, promising to free the Woodland from any oppressors. 

In the midst of this war, you and your friends - vagabonds all - travel between the clearings, taking on jobs no one else can or will do. You choose whom you serve, if anyone... but everyone knows you may tip the balance of the War. 

Root: The Roleplaying Game is the officially-licensed tabletop RPG based on the award-winning Root: A Game of Woodland Might and Right board game by Leder Games. In Root: The RPG, you play vagabonds, individual outlaws whose adventures and alliances define the Woodland forever. 

Here's what you'll find inside this book:

  • Nine unique playbooks, each built to help you create a vagabond whose exploits will echo in the Woodland for generations to come.

  • Easy-to-follow rules for all manner of fantasy adventure, including roguish feats, reputation and travel mechanics, and more. 

  • Innovative mechanics for managing equipment, weapons, and combat that make your choices matter both tactically and narratively. 

  • Detailed instructions for running Root: The RPGcrafting combats, managing factions, and more - alongside a full clearing, Gelilah's Grove.

Root: The RPG is a fantasy adventure for three to six players of woodland creatures fighting for money, justice, and freedom from powers far greater than them. Fame and glory await! 


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Root - The Tabletop RPG - Core Rulebook [anglais]

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